Thursday, March 3, 2011

Viva Las Vegas

Bryan and I had such a great time in Las Vegas. It was hard being away from the girls, but very fun to have time to reconnect. We did so much in three days it was crazy, and so easy without a diaper bag, three car seats and strollers to lug around and naps to plan around. Once or twice I had a little panic attack feeling like I had lost something (it was very strange walking around with just my purse).

Bryan's conference is at the Bellagio (he is still there...he won't be back until NEXT Thursday), so we got to stay there. It was nice, of course. However three years ago he had a conference at Cesar's Palace in Las Vegas and I think that hotel still takes the cake.

After dropping the girls off Friday it felt pretty strange to get on the plane alone. We arrived in Vegas at about 5 p.m. and went and got checked into our hotel. That evening we just bummed around the Strip and ate the Bellagio buffet (which was good, but definitely OVER PRICED).

Flower garden at the Bellagio
Saturday morning we went to brunch and then met my Uncle Jim, who took us to see my great Aunt Millie (my Grandma's sister) the way she is 92. I did not realize she is that age. She is 100% with it still, still drives herself around, is an active Red Hat Lady and actively involved with Daughters of Utah Pioneers. She and her husband drive themselves back and forth from the Oregon coast to Las Vegas several times each year to get the best weather in both locales. It was such a fun visit. Crazy story though, she was hit by a car while putting her groceries in her car and knocked unconscious on Valentines Day. Who hits an old lady? And worse, the driver is fighting the insurance claim...whatever. Aunt Millie still has a black eye and wounds on her legs, but overall she is doing very well (it is AMAZING she didn't break anything...or worse). We sat and chatted and showed her photos and videos of the girls (what else do I have to talk about? Not much...). I'm so glad we had that time.

That evening Bryan and I had dinner at a Japanese restaurant and then saw Terry Fator (the ventriloquist who won America's Got Talent). It was a really good show, not only is he pretty funny and great ventriloquist, the guy can really sing. After that show was over we were leaving the theater and were able to snag some tickets for the next show in the theater which was Ray Ramano and Kevin James (two of our favorite comedians) doing stand up. My gosh, I don't think I've laughed so hard in years. I was a little nervous that it would be dirty, but it really wasn't...just really relatible humor. What a fun night out! My husband is a pretty good date. ;) Don't get to realize that too often.

Sunday morning first thing I went and picked up a rental car and drove to St. George to see two of my brothers, Josh and Tim, and their families. Bryan had to start working that day so he couldn't come. It was a truly great day. Timmy and Nancy made us a yummy breakfast and we just sat in the living room and visited all day long. It was fun to catch up with Josh and Miri who are expecting their first baby and to see Tim's kiddos Gabriel (gotta be one of the cutest boys on the planet) and their beautiful little angel Eva. That baby, oh man, she didn't even hardly make a peep all day, just sat there looking like a little doll and let me cuddle her for a long time. Made me miss having a newborn...time goes too fast. Which was the worst part of the day, I felt like I had to leave as soon as I got there. Luckily I think I'll be seeing both of them within the next few months (Josh is moving to SC for a few months and then KY with the army) and we'll be out to Utah for a family reunion in June). I love my brothers (and their wives) so much. It is so nice that even though we don't get to see each other too often it doesn't matter. The minute we see each other it is the same as it has always been, just fun times with lots to chat about and laugh about. Still, I wish we lived closer so we could hang out EVERY Sunday.

That dress she is wearing is my first successful sewing (clothing)  project...isn't it so cute?

We I got back to Vegas Bryan and I got dressed an went out to dinner and a show at the Wynn hotel called La Reve (which is along the same lines as Cirque). It was a truly amazing show. You could probably watch it 10 times and see something different every time because there was so much to look at.

That was it. Monday morning I left for the airport at 5 a.m. and flew home to my girls. Thanks a million to Bryan's parents and Rob and Catherine for watching them. We so appreciate you loving our girls and making it so we could know they would be just fine. We owe you guys...for sure.

And now it is back to it. Maya has had a fever since Tuesday morning (I don't know what is other symptoms just a fever and she obviously is not feeling good, poor baby) and Eleanore started throwing up last night. Good thing I had a break before I started this stretch of time alone with the girls...I'm energized to be a little more patient with these girls I love so much.


Melissa said...

a. Great pics!
b. That is awesome your great aunt is in such great health!!
c. I can't believe she survived being hit by a car with only a few bruises!
d. The dress you made is adorable!!! Love it!
e. So glad you got time away with your hubby!
f. Glad you're back!

Catherine said...

Your trip sounded fun. I am jealous of the shows you got to see. I would have loved those. Your niece looks precious in the dress you made. Is your nephew in the picture the same one that we saw posted on your fridge as a newborn with all that gorgeous hair, the one we always commented on how cute he was. If so, wow how he has grown. He is a cute kid.

* Nancy * said...

Oh so sweet Emily, you had me in tears...ever since Josh & Miri left I've been a little emotional. It was wonderful to see you. It almost feels as though it was all a dream, gratefully I lived it, thank you for making time for us!
What a blessing it is that you have family that you can rely on!
Hope your girls are feeling better. Nothing more comforting than to be in moms arms when sick, may you have the energy to care for your little ones. Xoxo

Worle said...

I'm so glad you had a great time, and time away to just be alone! That dress you made is adorable! You definitely have skills!

miri said...

I'm so glad you came down. Josh still feels so bad we didn't wait for you to get into Vegas. It was so nice to see you!! I hope Josh can really get a long weekend so we can come see you and your precious family once we get out that direction!! Love you!

Celeste said...

That's awesome you guys got to have a getaway!!! And even better that you got to do so many fun things. I'm glad it all worked out with the girls. Sorry they are sick now though. No fun. I hope they start feeling better soon. (ok now that i look at the date, they are probably better). Hope your week went ok. :)

Kim said...

Glad you had a good time and got to catch up with your family.

Ashley said...

Oh man, I am so glad to hear about your successful trip away. We just booked our trip to Hawaii the first of July and I am so so nervous to be away from the kids for the first time. It looks like you guys really had fun though and lived it up, but I knew you would you're so fun together. By the way, we're moving to Malta in July! Crazy stuff approaching soon. Hopefully we'll get to see you more when you visit UT now...

Michelle said...

Those getaways can feel bitter sweet sometimes. I love that dress you made, so cute. Hope everyone gets feeling better. Sounds like the same bugs going around Utah are going around Florida too.