Friday, February 25, 2011


Tomorrow (in 10 hours) Bryan and I are going to Las Vegas. I am so excited to get away, see two of my brothers and their wives (and one of my cute nephews and a brand new baby niece), and my great Aunt Millie. I am especially excited to spend time alone with Bryan since we haven't had a night without babies since Eleanore was born. BUT I am so nervous about leaving the girls (thus I can't sleep and that is why I am blogging at this hour).

The only time I've ever been away from Eleanore overnight was when I delivered Ivy and Maya. Besides that I think the longest I've ever been away from her is probably 10 hours...which felt really long. So this is big...really big.. I know they'll be fine, Bryan's brother and his wife and my mom- and dad-in-law will be watching them. Eleanore views her sleepover at her cousins as her own vacation and is 100% excited. But I'm still nervous, especially for Ivy and Maya. I hope they don't think I'm never coming scary would that be for a little baby?

I hope everything goes good and that my babies don't hate me for leaving them for a couple of days....


Worle said...

You are so brave, but I'm sure it will be some MUCH needed alone time for you and Bryan! I've left Luke twice with a babysitter, both times were 2.5 hours or less, and I was a nervous wreck the entire time!!! I hope you have so much fun and get to do things you never get to do because you always have a kid on your hip! Sleep in, and only do things when you want to do them. It's hard to remember what life was like before all your babies, I'm sure, but I'm so happy that you will get to enjoy a little time to yourself. I know you TOTALLY deserve it!!!

Worle said...

Also, I have heard it's good for your kids to leave them every now and again, I don't know if I necessarily agree with that yet, but I know you will have fun! Can't wait to see pics and read about your trip!!!

* Nancy * said...

Oh sweet Em, I feel for your nervous heart and mind!
Tim was just telling me on his way to Vegas that he thought you were leaving the girls behind. I told him I didn't think you were. I guess he's right after reading your post! Kind of bummed since we have yet met the twins. Now I really can't wait for our family reunion.
I think this will be good for you, Bryan, and your girls. You will feel recharged...I guess this is what moms do best is worry for their little ones. They'll be fine, and can't wait to see you!

Melissa said...

Have a great time and can't wait to see the pics! I bet you will miss the girls more than they are going to miss you! They will have so much fun with cousins and their grandma and grandpa!

Catherine said...

so far no tears from the girls.

Kim said...

I was nervous when we left our kids too, but they did awesome and it turned out to be so nice to have that 'break' from being a mommy 24/7. Hope you guys have fun!

Catherine said...

Rob: How many kids do we have in the house?
Catherine: 7
Rob: I can only find 6, which one is missing.......

Sarah said...

Love that tease from Catherine... too funny. I bet you really enjoyed the break & sounds like the girls were in good hands. I'm a bit jealous... would love to see all the folks you were able to catch up with! Hope you had fun!

Celeste said...

You deserve it! I'm sure everything will go well. Have fun :)

Ashley said...

Oh I can't wait to hear about your trip! I am with you on the nerves though. I still haven't left my kids either, except for the night I had Grace! So crazy, post pictures soon!

Ashley said...

Oh I can't wait to hear about your trip! I am with you on the nerves though. Of course they will be totally in good hands! I still haven't left my kids either, except for the night I had Grace! So crazy, post pictures soon!