Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another shot at this blog thing

I hate that I let my blog go, so here we go again!

Where have we been. Well the big change in our life came in May when we moved from Venice, Florida to Smithfield, Utah.

We arrived in Utah on May 31.
All packed up and ready to go. A bittersweet day for us leaving Venice.

The house we lived in at 2130 Hawthorne Road in Venice from October 2009 through May 2012.

Our journey here was one for the record books. We left Florida with a bang with a day at the beach followed by a three-day visit to Disney World, which were our favorite places to spend time while living in Florida.

After leaving Florida we may our way to Chattanooga, Tennessee where the girls got to ride the carousel and play in the fountains before it was back on the road for our overnight stay in Nashville.

In Nashville we played at the Parthenon and Centennial Park one evening and ate breakfast the famous Pancake Pantry before heading out to make our way to Columbia, Missouri for a pit stop.

From there we headed toward Kansas City to visit the Marx Family, with a stop at the Independence visitors center. While with the Marx gang we visited a Homestead where the girls rode ponies (at least El did), drove miniature tractors and fed baby cows. More than anything they loved playing with there cousins!

From Kansas it was on to Colorado springs to visit the Jenson and Toy cousins for a day.

We made one last stop in Fort Collins to see our friend Miguel who is serving a mission there before we crossed the border to Wyoming and on to Utah!

What a journey it was and what fun we had! Lots of memories were made and we were so proud of our girls for being AMAZING travelers. They hardly complained the whole way, and Bryan was an all star for driving most of the way (except for the very early hours which I took).

Since being in Utah we've been staying at Bryan's parents house...which will be the next post. For now we will just way we are oh so very grateful for their kindness and hospitality. It has been a favor we will never forget.


Kim said...

So glad you're blogging again! Can't wait to hear about all your Utah adventures!

Catherine said...

Missing you in Florida!

Ashley said...

Yeah you are back to blogging! I have missed it so much, I just love your writing style so much. I am so happy that you have moved to UT, and I love that you got out of the car with all the kids to take a picture by the UT sign. You guys lived it up for sure on your trip down. I love all your stops!

* Nancy * said...

So thrilled you're a lot closer now!!
Seeing pics of the girls at the beach is what I am used to seeing in most of your pics - they sure were the cutest beach girls! Now it's to make memories in the snow!

Worle said...

Utah is the best place ever! I know you'll love it, and your girls will love the snow! However, beaches and Disney World are kinda hard to beat!

Celeste said...

hey, it's been awhile since we've hung out. i was thinking it would befun to get together sometime this summer. but, i don't have any way to get ahold of you. my phone crashed last December and i lost your info. you should email me when you have a minute. i hope things are going well for you! how's Utah?

Beadles said...

Sorry we have lost touch too. I guess we were never destined to be in close proximity - you arrived in Venice, we moved, we moved back, you moved... I hope all is going well. I've been doing okay at blogging, feel free to stop by or send me an email anytime