Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

I know this day was created by Hallmark, but I'm sucker. I love holidays...pretty much all of them, and I am notorious for making a big deal out of pretty much everything, for better or worse. ;) We actually won't do much to celebrate today, but we've still tried to make it fun.

Last Thursday El's playmates Max and Brook came over for a Valentines lunch (pigs in a blanket and cupcakes) and a craft. They are always fun to play with them.

This morning we had pink heart-shaped pancakes, pink milk and pink scrambled eggs for breakfast and for dinner I we had heart-shaped pizza by candlelight.

 Bryan brought home beautiful flowers for me and the girls.

I made this bag for Eleanore (I've cut them out for Ivy and Maya, but haven't sewed them together yet...for next year) and all week she has been getting little love surprises (Hershey kids, a tiny Snow White doll, a chocolate monkey, valentines from her cousins) in her bag. It has made each morning fun and exciting.
In honor of this day I want to say the things I love the most TODAY about the four people I LOVE more and more everyday.

Today I LOVE Bryan because he got up with Ivy and Maya last night. Although I still had to eventually get out of bed because they were both awake and wouldn't calm down for him, I got an extra hour of sleep before I had to.

This was during the Superbowl. We had a little party at our place. I went back to tell the guys that some of our friends were here and found them all sleeping.'d think they were all getting up with babies at night. Those Buckley men know how to par-tay!

Today I LOVE Eleanore because she gave her first talk in Primary yesterday. It was about the creation of the world and how we know Jesus and Heavenly Father love us. As she practiced she nearly memorized the whole thing and decided to add in at the end that she knows Heavenly Father loves her because he gave her a "great family." She's right, we do have a great family. I am so happy she is a part of it.

Today I LOVE Ivy  because she gets so excited to eat cookies (smiles from ear to ear and wave her arms in the air) and shares them with me. If there was ever a cookie monster she is it, and I love how she makes the sound "ahhh" and tries to shove part of her smooshed up cookie in my mouth.

Today I LOVE Maya because she has the sweetest, most contagious smile on earth. All I have to do is smile at her and her entire face lights up. Nothing can make your heart sing more than her sweet, happy face.

I feel like the luckiest girl alive to have these four in my life. I love them more and more each day and hope I can make each day special for them.


Melissa said...

Love the post and all the pics! We made pink heart pancakes too. I think your love for all holidays is becoming contagious!!! The V bag you made for El is so cute! The girls will love them for years to come!

* Nancy * said...

What a special day you all had as a family. El is lucky to have you come up with crafts that she can do along with her buddies. Not only that but the yummy breakfast.
Totally loving the heart-shaped pizza by candlelight!
Oh, the memories it brings when Tim made me a heart-shaped pizza for Valentine's back in the day!

Celeste said...

Fun! I love Valentine's day. Looks like you made it a special day for your family. That bag was so cute! You are super mom. :)

I love the bed too.